Here is a list of important abbreviations, slang and terms pertaining to coupons:
Albies: Albertson’s Grocery Store
Blinkies: Coupon machines with a blinking red light that are found attached to grocery store aisles are called Blinkies. The coupons from these machines are also referred to as Blinkies. The machines are by SmartSource and are updated about once a month.
B1G1 or BOGO: Buy one get one free
Catalina or CAT: A Catalina is name of the coupons that are printed out at the register. The machine that prints these coupons is made the Catalina Company, hence the name of the coupon. These coupons are triggered by certain items or combination of items that you purchase.
Double Coupon: Means the value of the coupon is doubled at the register
DND: Do Not Double.
ESC: Easy Saver Coupon (coupon found in Walgreens Easy Saver Catalog)
ESR: Walgreen’s EasySaver Rebate program. You can get several items free after rebate every month.
FAR: Free After Rebate
FM: Fred Meyer grocery store (Kroger store)
HBA: The health and beauty aid section of stores
IP: Internet printable coupon
MFR: Manufacturer
MIR: Mail in Rebate
OOP: Out of pocket. This is the money you pay out of pocket at a transaction after coupons, rebates and catalinas.
OYNO: On your next order. These coupons will generally come in the form of a catalina.
P&G: Proctor & Gamble. The Proctor and Gamble company often has inserts in the Sunday paper that feature coupons.
Peelie: Peelies are the coupons that are attached to a product itself.
Q: Coupon
RP: Red Plum Sunday insert coupons
RR: Register Rewards (these are the catalinas that print out at Walgreens)
SS: Smart Source Sunday Insert coupons
Stacking Coupons: Most stores allow you “stack“ manufacturer coupons with store coupons for addition
Wags or WAGS: Walgreen’s
WYB: When You Buy offers you a discount or free product (or coupon on your next purchase) when you buy a specified product.